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Seeded bounty bars recipe

Fuel you and your dog on your next run with this fantastic recipe from Hug Pet Food - yes that's right, both of you can enjoy these Seeded Bounty bars!

They are delicious and they even get the husky's approval! Give it a go and please share your pics with the trailrunners community.



150g sunflower seeds

50g pumpkin seeds

2 tbsp flaxseeds

2 tbsp chia seeds

50g coconut flakes

50g plain flour

4 tbsp coconut oil

2 tbsp carob powder

150ml boiling water

DIRECTIONS Mix the seeds and coconut flakes in a bowl.

Mix through the flour and 3 tbsp of melted coconut oil.

Add in the water to form a jelly like mix.

Place the mixture on a baking sheet and roll out into a thin layer (place a sheet of baking paper on top before rolling as the mixture is sticky).

Bake for 50-60 mins until crispy and golden then leave to cool.

Mix the carob powder with 1tbsp of melted coconut oil to create the chocolate sauce.

Drizzle over the seeds and sprinkle some more coconut flakes on top and pop in the fridge to set.

Cut up into snack size pieces for you and your pup to enjoy.

You can find more free recipes at




Get expert advise from Katie, the nutritionist and the brains behind The Pet Diet. She is offering a diet review service to help pet parents understand their existing doggy diet. All you need to do is download Katie’s questionnaire, complete it and send back to her. Katie will then spend time reviewing your dog’s current diet and give advice on how to make it better.

This might include working to support specific issues or worries you have regarding your canine’s health. Or to help ensure that you are feeding correct amounts or types of food if you are going to take up a new sport or activity. It might just be that you want assistance to review the diet of your senior hound. Bespoke advice and guidance can be yours.

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Unknown member
Feb 19, 2021

Hi Amanda, to answer your question about the fat percentage, it’s the coconut oil that is high in fat and most bioavailable to the dog, however as it is medium chain fat it is the best type of fat for him. However you can make this recipe without the coconut oil, you can bind the mixture with just water and a little flour and miss out the coconut oil in the mix. Then with the small amount you drizzle on the top with the carob powder you could get away with it. Plus you wouldn’t be feeding the whole batch at once.

I hope that helps.


Feb 15, 2021

It would be helpful if you could provide the fat percentage. As my boxer can't eat anything over 7% fat as she is prone to pancreatitis.

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