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Hydrating chicken bone broth recipe

Hydrate your dog before their next run with with this fantastic recipe from Hug Pet Food. Giving your dog chicken bone broth before and after exercise will hydrate them better than simply giving them water. Plus they're likely to drink more as it's really tasty - it definitely gets a big paws up from us!

Give it a go and please share the reaction of your furry companion with the trailrunners community.


INGREDIENTS 1-2 x chicken carcass (depending on size) 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1/2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp turmeric 4 litres of water (enough to cover the carcasses

DIRECTIONS Pop the carcasses in the slow cooker and cover with the water. Add in the apple cider vinegar, pepper and turmeric and stir.

Leave to cook for 24 hours on a low setting - remember to check every so often to ensure there is enough water still. After 24 hours, lift out the carcasses and strain the mixture. Pour into a container, ice cube tray or use straight away. Store in the fridge and use within 5 days or freeze for a future date.

TOP TIP: dilute the broth before giving it your dog. Ratio 1:1 broth to water.

You can find more free recipes at




Get expert advise from Katie, the nutritionist and the brains behind The Pet Diet. She is offering a diet review service to help pet parents understand their existing doggy diet. All you need to do is download Katie’s questionnaire, complete it and send back to her. Katie will then spend time reviewing your dog’s current diet and give advice on how to make it better.

This might include working to support specific issues or worries you have regarding your canine’s health. Or to help ensure that you are feeding correct amounts or types of food if you are going to take up a new sport or activity. It might just be that you want assistance to review the diet of your senior hound. Bespoke advice and guidance can be yours.

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Unknown member
Apr 09, 2021

I have made 2 batches of bone broth. All the liquid is frozen into cubes and then added as required both before and after training to hydrate my dogs. The bones in the chicken after cooking are just mush and can be fed directly to your dogs with the chicken meat. So a great way to fully utilise the chicken carcasses as fuel for your athletes.

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